Recent BWR and PWR projects
A licensing and construction project of a new NPP has several subtasks and challenges that call for the use of dynamic simulation during the project life-time: from conceptual design and safety analysis for licensing, process and automation design, automation logic testing, control room HMI design, and operating instructions development and testing to full-scope simulator training of operators prior to start-up. After a successful and safe start-up, the plant model and training simulator must be kept up to date, which means regular model maintenance procedures controlled by the NPP revision schedule.
Power upgrade, life-time extension, and automation renewal projects are being planned for many NPPs in operation today. Equal challenges and requirements for rigorous dynamic simulation are set forth in such retrofit projects. Also, there is active global research and development work going on to accelerate the introduction of GEN4 nuclear power plant solutions, which imposes increasingly demanding requirements on NPP models and software validation.
Apros Nuclear References
- Engineering Simulator, 1600 MWe PWR, Areva EPR
- Engineering and Analysis Simulator, 860 MWe BWR, ABB Westinghouse
- Safety Analysis, Engineering, Automation Testing, Full-scope Training Simulators, 490 MWe PWR, VVER-440
- Engineering Simulator, 1010 MWe BWR, ABB Westinghouse
- Safety Analysis Simulator, 1000 MWe PWR, VVER-1000
- Engineering Simulator, 1190 MWe BWR, ABB Westinghouse
- Engineering and Analysis Simulator, 1200 MWe PWR. AES2006
This list includes only selected key references.