Combustion Power
Apros provides all that is needed to simulate dynamic behaviour of combustion power plants. Very accurate dynamic simulation models provide a plant-like behaviour that can be utilised in various ways throughout the life cycle of the power plant. Models can be used e.g. for design engineering while constructing a new plant or renewing it or as a basis for a training simulator or to test the automation system against realistic response provided by Apros.
Comprehensive model libraries
Apros contains libraries to model a wide range of the power plant operations. These include e.g. accurate modelling of the flow networks and heat transfer that are used to model fuel, flue gas and water/steam lines of the plant. Furthermore, Apros includes libraries for modelling the automation and electrical systems of the power plant. These features have been used to model many kinds of power plants and engines like gas turbines, heat recovery boilers, fluidised beds, diesel engines etc.
Apros includes capabilities to simulate different types of boilers e.g. pulverized coal, grate and fluidized bed boilers including both bubbling and circulating beds. Apros can also be used to model supercritical power plants. Material properties are available to model various fuels like coal, peat, gas and oil. Apros can also be used to model fuel and transport and air systems.
Latest development
Currently, the main emphasis on the development of Combustion Apros is devoted to features that are needed in the new generation of more efficient and clean power plants. Development work has started to enable simulation of new clean plants that have e.g. low CO2 emissions. This work includes e.g. material properties tables needed to simulate the production of oxygen.
Modelling of diesel generators with Apros
The APROS diesel engine model package can be used in several applications for the simulation of different kinds of diesel engines. With the appropriate composition of modules, it is possible to build I- or V-type motor, define the number of cylinders, connect the cylinders to the crank shaft and include the turbocharger to the process. The model of the specific motor is easy to tune to the technical data of the engine by using the corresponding parameter attributes of the APROS modules.
Selected references
Foster Wheeler Energia – Lagisza Poland
Apros was used for Control design and validating the dynamic process behaviour. Boiler was supercritical circulating fluidised bed. Water circuit was of once through type. Boiler’s design fuel is bituminous coal and alternative fuels are wet coal slurry (upto 30%) and biofuel (upto 10%). Power of the plant is 460 MWe and steam properties it generates are 360 kg/s, 275 bar and 560 oC.
Andritz – Analysis of recovery boilers
Andritz has used Apros several years for the water circulation analysis of recovery boiler in tens of applications. In these analyses the natural circulation of water circuit is evaluated in different load and pressure conditions.
The goal of analysis is to ensure the sufficient cooling in different parts of a recovery boiler. The typical simulation model includes rear, front and side walls of a boiler, boiler bank tubes, screen tubes, upper and possible lower drums, down-comer pipes from a drum to the main header, side wall header and screen pipe header as well as risers from water wall headers to the drum. Analyses have been made to both new boiler concepts and to existing boilers to be modified. As a result of analyses steam volume fraction, flow velocities and heat transfer rates in different part of boiler are calculated and the values are used to evaluate the feasibility of a boiler.