New version Apros 6.13 is now released and available. Please contact your distributor to receive the new version. Some of the new features and improvements are listed below. For a complete list of changes, please see the release notes in Apros 6.13 documentation.
New features of Apros 6.13:
- New process component: Minimum flow valve. Minimum flow valve consists of two valves – main valve and bypass valve – whose position depends on the pressure difference over the main valve. A minimum flow valve is typically installed after a pump to ensure that there is some flow through the pump during all operating conditions even if the consumer flow demand is zero or very low.
- New process component: Clutch. Clutch component is used to connect shafts together. E.g. gas turbine and steam turbine shafts could be connected/disconnected with the new component.
- Pipeline: Many improvements have been done to the Pipeline component. Most importantly:
- Pipeline now supports also the homogeneous (TH2) flow model in addition to the six-equation model (TH6). All the fluids of the homogeneous model are supported.
- Pipeline visualization user interface has been improved. Similar user interface is used also for the new color visualization feature in Calculation level visualization tool.
- Pipeline symbol generation has been improved. The default settings result in better-looking and more consistent symbols. Additionally, possibilities for the symbol customization have been improved.
- Calculation Level Visualization: The visualization feature now supports also the monitoring of the state attributes and color visualization of any node attribute.
- User-Defined-Liquid (UDL) 6-equation model: It is now possible to simulate a mixture of a user-defined liquid and non-condensable gases with the six-equation model. This can applied e.g. in molten salt applications for improved accuracy.
- Water-steam tables used by Apros solver have been updated for improved accuracy. Both the old and new tables are based on IAPWS-IF97 standard.