Nuclear references
Fortum Power and Heat Ltd, Finland
Loviisa nuclear power plant (VVER-440). Started early 1990s.
Operating license extension project, update of safety analysis report (FSAR):
- safety analyses (LBLOCA, SBLOCA, SLB, SGTR etc..)
- DEC-analyses (Design Extension Conditions)
- PTS-analyses (Pressurized Thermal Shock)
- safety analyses with new implemented I&C systems for reactor and plant protection
- validation of new Emergency Operating Procedures (EOPs) and also Shutdown Operating
- Procedures
- containment analyses
I&C renewal project: simulator for testing of Areva and Siemens I&C systems:
- safety analysis
- simulator for the testing of Framatome ANP GmbH I&C system.
- development simulator for the design and testing of MMI.
- simulator for the testing of Invensys Systems GmbH I&C system.
- simulator for severe accident management.
Loviisa nuclear power plant (VVER-440) license extension project: safety analysis including thermal hydraulics and containment analyses.
District Heating System for new built NPP (concept study).
SURO, Czech Republic
Apros® Nuclear software licenses. 2020 –
Kairos Power, USA
Apros® License for new energy system research and development 2020 –
Shanghai Nuclear Engineering Research & Design Institute, China
Apros® Nuclear software licenses. 2020 –
Southeast University, China
Apros® Nuclear software licenses, research and education. 2020 –
ÚJV Řež, Czech Republic
Apros® Nuclear software licenses. 2020 –
Xi’an Jiaotong University, China
Apros® Nuclear software licenses, research and education. 2018 –
CEZ, Czech Republic
Apros® Nuclear software licenses. 2018 –
East China Electric Power Design Institute, China
Apros® Nuclear software licenses. 2018 –
Rosenergoatom, Russia
Engineering simulator for Leningrad NPP, Russia (licence update). 2018
Hungarian Atomic Energy Authority (HAEA), Hungary
Apros® Nuclear software licenses. 2018 –
Japan Atomic Energy Agency (JAEA), Japan
Apros® Nuclear software licenses. 2018 –
Westinghouse Electric Sweden Ab, Sweden
Apros® Nuclear software licenses. 2017 –
Shandong Nuclear Power Company Ltd., China
Apros® Nuclear software licenses. 2016 –
Chongqing University, China
Apros® Nuclear software licenses. 2016 –
Fennovoima, Finland
NPP engineering simulator software. 2014 –
Kunglika Tekniska Högskolan, Sweden
NPP transient simulation software for R&D and education. 2013 –
E.ON Kernkraft GmbH, Hannover, Germany
Analysis and engineering. 2012 –
Japan Nuclear Regulatory Authority, Japan
Safety analysis. 2012 –
OKG Ab, Sweden
NPP engineering simulator software. 2010 –
China Nuclear Power Design Co., Ltd, China
NPP engineering simulator software. 2010 –
GEN energija, d.o.o, Slovenia
NPP engineering simulator software. 2010 –
Slovenske Elektrarne a.s, Slovakia
NPP engineering simulator software. 2009 –
Leningrad NPP, Russia
NPP engineering simulator software. 2009 –
Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Germany
Engineering simulator software for a supercritical water reactor. 2009 –
Forsmarks Kraftgrupp AB, Sweden
Engineering simulator for Forsmark 3 NPP. 2008
Forsmarks Kraftgrupp AB, Sweden
Engineering simulator for Forsmark 1 & 2 NPP.
Model update to higher power level and transient and safety analysis for Forsmark 2 NPP. 2008
COMENA Commissariat à l’énergie atomique, Algeria
Engineering and Training Simulator. 2008
Ministry of Trade and Industry, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Finland
NPP Engineering simulator for KOLA NPP, Russia. 2008
Radiation and Nuclear Safety Authority/Gosatomnadzor, Russia
Plant Analyser for safety analysis and personnel training (including 3D-reactor model and containment model). 2008 –
Teollisuuden Voima Oy, Finland
Engineering simulator model for Olkiluoto 3 NPP (OL3, EPR type). 2008
Posiva Oy, Finland
Ventilation studies for the underground final disposal facility
Analysis of fuel assembly drying system. 2006 – 2008
IAEA/Nuclear Power Plants Authority, Egypt
Engineering Simulator and Plant Analyzer.
Upgrade of the software for training purposes. 2007
Teollisuuden Voima Oy, Finland
Engineering simulator model for Olkiluoto 1 & 2 NPP (OL1/2).
Tuning of level controllers of superheating draining tanks for OL1/2.
Transient and safety analysis for OL1/2 (BWR, 860 MW). 2004 –
European Commission PHARE, Hungarian Atomic Energy Authority, Hungary
Training simulator for Severe Accident Management at Paks NPP. 2004
IAEA/Hungarian Atomic Energy Authority, Hungary
Plant Analyser for best estimate analysis purposes. 2001
STUK, Radiation and Nuclear Safety Authority, Finland
Plant Analyser for safety analysis and personnel training. 2001 –
Paks Nuclear Power Plant, Hungary
NPP engineering and safety analysis. 1999
Technical University of Budapest, Hungary
NPP configuration. University teaching and public research license. 1999
Advanced Energy Systems, Helsinki University of Technology, Finland
NPP configuration. University teaching and public research license. 1999 –
Nuclear Engineering Laboratory, Lappeenranta University of Technology
NPP configuration. University teaching and public research license. 1999 –
OECD Halden Reactor Project, Norway
Full scope BWR (Forsmark 3) model for HAMMLAB 2000.
NPP Man Machine Laboratory: full scope training simulator. 1998 –
Atomenergoexport, Russia
VVER-1000/type 91 nuclear power plant model.
Main control system design, Feed-water pump cavitation analyses , Behaviour of boron concentration in primary system coolant loop (SBLOCA), Process and control system analysis of steam condenser , ATWS-analysis: steam line break, main steam header break, erroneous starting of PCP, Depressurisation of the primary circuit with pressurizer relief valves. 1992 – 1995
VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland
PACTEL nuclear power plant test facility. Process and automation system design. 1992-1993